Friday, May 10, 2013

Thank you

As I prepare to uproot myself, hit the road and see what Fate has in store for me, I feel extremely grateful for the wonderful people who have shared and shaped my life. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Scratching an itch

I'm off on an adventure. A big, life-changing adventure. I know roughly where it will begin. I have no idea where it will end. I am excited, energized, uncertain, curious, eager, nervous -- and a bit behind on my sleep. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

About this blog

I've started this, my first "blog," concurrent with a new chapter in my life. I want to provide a forum to capture some stories and share my journey(s) with any of my friends and family who want to follow along. 

I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to comment and share. And do keep in touch! 

Y'all come back now, y'hear! 

- Jeff